Episode 64- Time Restricted Eating VS A True Intermittent Fast
Episode 64 Show Notes
Tiffany Wickes talks about 2 powerful methods for fat loss, muscle gain and overall health: time restricted eating and true intermittent fasting.
Time restricted eating is eating all your daily calories within a certain window, like 8 or 12 hours, in line with your circadian rhythms to improve metabolic health, digestion and fat loss.
True intermittent fasting is extended fasting of 24 hours or more and offers benefits of autophagy and metabolic resets but requires more discipline.
Tiffany explains why time restricted eating is more sustainable for most people and intermittent fasting is a game changer for those dealing with chronic health issues. She also shares how combining time restricted eating with increased protein and strength training will amplify fat loss and muscle gain.
If you have questions about which option could work for your fitness goals, reach out to me on social media! I am happy to chat in the DMs.